Beautiful pics of Mariah Carey and Maria Menounos feet & legs

Maria Menounos, a Greek American journalist and television hostess is an actress. Her former role as presenter of Extra! The show has also been a TV reporter for Today Access Hollywood. In 2006 she hosted the Eurovision Song Contest in Athens Greece. She spoke about her healthy lifestyle following her battle with the stage 2 form of cancer privately during the summer. The way I'm feeling is great I'm grateful that I'm healthy with my baby Menounos stated. Litsa Menounos, Maria's Mother aged 61, was diagnosed with GBM, a tough to cure, deadly, and deadly type of cancer that affects the brain. Menounos took care of her mom as she underwent radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy. Mariah Carey (born May 25, 1964) is an American singer record producer actress. Guinness World Records has dubbed her "The Songbird Supreme". Her fame is based on the songwriting she does and her five-octave range of singing as well as the use of a whistle.

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